Widening and
Strengthening of the Theog-Kothkhai-Hathkoti-Rohru road
As of November 2010, Ramose Infra has received a World
Bank funded contract to widen and strengthen the
Theog-Kothkhai-Hathkoti-Rohru road in Himachal Pradesh.
The Himachal Pradesh Road and Infrastructure Development
Corporation (HPRIDC) has awarded this contract to
LongJian Road and Bridge Limited Company with Longjian
deciding to sub-contract part of this work to Ramose
Infra. The value of the contract to Ramose is worth 150 Crores (US$33m) with a scheduled date of completion of
the project for September 2012. The works are to include
construction of bridges, earthwork, cross drainage
works, and road works.
EPIL contract for Intermodal IWT Terminal at
An Engineering Projects of India Limited (EPIL)
contract valued at 20
Crores (US$5m), to construct a jetty at Varanasi on the
river Ganges helping assist the management of waterway
traffic, and the transportation of goods. Works include
construction of pile foundation in the midst of the
river, development and landscaping, and road and
building works.